Back from Shot Show

Toby is talking about his Shot Show trip, some adventures and miss-adventures in Las Vegas.  Then he answers chat questions and a call about firearms, the 2nd amendment and self-defense. In the entire second hour we have special guest Phillip Smith, President of the National African American Gun Association NAAGA.CO

Spreading the Message Far and Wide

Toby is taking the word to the street, spreading the 2A message far and wide, behind enemy lines here in Massachusetts. Then Toby answers the chat questions about firearms, the 2nd amendment and self-defense. Then in the entire second hour we have special guest Charlie Cook, from Riding Shotgun with Charlie on youTube and elsewhere.

All the Good Work We’re Doing

Toby is talking about the new year, the new congress and the new “improvements” we can score if we are all become responsible 2A advocates. Then Toby answers the chat questions about firearms, the 2nd amendment and self-defense. The entire second hour we have special guest Mike Detty, Author and gun advocate.

Last Show Before the New Year

Toby is talking about the new format in the new year, in the second hour he will start interviewing guests in a long format interview. The entire second hour we have special guest Dan Wos, Author and gun advocate. Then Toby answers the chat questions about firearms, the 2nd amendment and self-defense.

Episode 4 and a Half

Toby was not feeling to well, but he sticks it out for an hour, talking about how we are moving to a podcast-only show and the challenge to the Massachusetts assault weapons ban. Then Toby answers the chat questions about firearms, the 2nd amendment and self-defense.

Burring Fast and Furious

Toby is talking about how the government is trying to destroy evidence from the ATF’s botched Fast and Furious program Toby answers the chat questions and calls about firearms, the 2nd amendment and self-defense. And Keith Langer joins us to talk about a case of appeal for a veteran who called the veteran’s helpline after a friends death, and found himself in hot water.

Lame Duck Gun Control

Will the Lame Duck session of congress pass new gun control measures? Toby is talking about how the lame duck Congress maybe looking to attach new gun control measures as they kick the can down the road. Toby answers the chat questions and calls about firearms, the 2nd amendment and self-defense. And Keith Langer joins us to talk about non-firearms weapons, like ninja throwing stars and Toby’s atlatl.

Pushing the 2nd Amendment Agenda

Toby is talking about how the government has outsourced censorship to the social media platforms. He is also talking about the next generation of gun owners and the benefits of free debate. Then special guest Rob Pincus joins us to talk about how his new pistol is going and when it will come to market. In the second hour, Toby answers the chat questions about firearms, the 2nd amendment and self-defense. And Keith Langer joins us to talk about your obligations when you are processing a private person-to-person transfer.

Very Bad News

Toby is talking about recent tragic shootings. The ink is not even dry and politicians are trying to make new gun laws, instead of combating the real problems. Then special guest Benjamin DeWalt, of OnSight Firearms Training (OFTLLC.US) joins us to talk about his AR class and some other interesting training opportunities. In the second hour, Toby answers the chat questions about firearms, the 2nd amendment and self-defense.

A Willingness to Act

Free shipping on orders over $300 @! Toby is talking about the big news stories of the day and those three letter agencies that think they can make and change laws. We answer your questions about firearms, the 2nd amendment and self-defense. In the second hour Keith Langer joins us to talk about licensing quandaries.