Monthly Archives: August 2023

Episode 142 – Toby Talks about GOAL 2a Rally, HD4420, New roster, and Fred Wagenhals from Gun Broker.

Episode 143 – Toby Talks about GOAL 2a Rally, HD4420, New roster, and Fred Wagenhals from Gun Broker.

Episode 141 – Exploring Gun Rights, Legislation, and Constitutional Carry: A Discussion with Toby

Toby discusses various topics including gun rights, constitutional carry, firearms legislation, and specific firearm models. Toby also talks about recent legal developments related to gun rights in Massachusetts and mentions a court ruling that could potentially impact the ability to carry firearms across state lines without a license.  The conversation also touches upon the concept of enumerated rights, the right to keep and bear arms, and constitutional limitations on government authority. The host emphasizes the importance of recognizing and upholding individual rights as well as the historical context of firearm ownership.

RapidFire Episode 140 – Firearms and Freedom: Navigating Rights, Taxes, and Legal Challenges

Toby delves into subjects like firearms, gun rights, taxes, and legal matters. He questions the legality of imposing taxes on constitutionally protected rights, expressing concerns about government spending inefficiency. The conversation covers recent Supreme Court rulings on firearms, focusing on the ATF’s “frame and receiver rule.” The US v. Rahimi case’s impact on gun ownership due to domestic violence restraining orders is discussed in terms of Second Amendment rights and due process. Toby and callers explore parallels between red flag laws and domestic violence orders, stressing the importance of upholding due process. The challenge of safeguarding gun rights amid evolving legislation and court decisions is a recurring theme, urging individuals to advocate for their rights actively. Toby encourages open dialogue to keep listeners informed about developments in firearms and the legal landscape.