Monthly Archives: July 2022

Some Breaking News of the Day

Toby is talking about how HR1808 is on ice, for now. No rest for the weary tho. We answer a ton of your questions and calls about all things 2A, firearms, and self defense. Special guest RapidFire Rachel joins us to talk 2A and in the second hour Keith Langer is talking about the Massachusetts attempt to jam firearms license reform into a Court funding bill?

Doubling Down on Their Attempts to Ban Guns

Toby is talking about the gun control measures some are trying to rush to pass and it would seem like it is to contest the recent Bruen decision. This as many of the lower courts are vacating rulings based on the new scrutiny. We answer a ton of your questions and calls about all things 2A, firearms, and self defense. Then in the second hour we have special guest James Amorello joins us to talk about his Worcester/Hampshire senate district representative run.

Gun Controls Works Everywhere it is Tried, to Raise Crime Rates and Raise Violence

Toby is talking about the effects of gun control measures. Then special guest Mike Harris from GOAL joins us to talk 2A and Attorney Jay Mcmahon joins us to talk about his attorney general bid. And we answer a ton of your questions and calls about all things 2A, firearms, and self defense.

Freedom Might Be A Little More Dangerous, then Government Rules or Laws

Toby is talking about the effects of the SCOTUS decisions and opinions, the real purpose of the 2nd amendment, and most violent countries in the world. Then we answer a ton of your questions and calls about all things 2A, firearms, and self defense.

Opportunity for Pro Gun People

Toby is talking about the latest rulings and the opinions of the Breun case. Special guest Leah Cole Allen joins us to talk about her run for Lt. Governor in Massachusetts. We answer a ton of your questions and calls about all things 2A, firearms, and self defense. Then in the second hour Keith Langer joins us to talk about how the recent court decisions will effect the Massachusetts firearms license process.